Friday, September 18, 2009

My love bugs..

These are a bunch of random pictures of my girlies. They are so fun! Saige is deep in the terrible 2s and boy am I paying for her being such a good baby. She is nuts!! Lately she has been peeing her pants just because. hmm attention getter you think? I think yes! Hopefully this will pass quickly. Lillie is getting so flippin cute! I could just eat her up! She is starting to smile alittle. I finally caught a half smile. Her personality is just so different then Saige it blows my mind. I'm training her to be a surgeon, every night we watch re-runs of greys anatomy after Saige is in bed. Of course half the time she is sleeping but still. haha I love the time I have with her at night. In the day its alot of Saige. Drew is loving school. It seems alot easier because he knows most of what they are teaching from Mercer the last 2 years. He is looking and praying for a new job. We really hope he gets something new. Home Depot bites big time! There's nothing much new with me. Just chillin with the chitlins. Some days are tougher then others but guess what.. My parents come out in 13 days!! WOHOO! I can't believe we've been in Utah for almost 2 months. Thats just crazy. Anyways here a some pics mostly of Lillie (its the new born thing) :). Its so hard to get Saige to stand still. Enjoy! This is our little Lillie bug. She looks more like me don't ya think? Cute little smile!

Shes tired.
Taking their first bubble bath together. Normally I just take them in the shower with me. SOO much easier that way then the bath.
Saiger! Sleeping beauty. She loves her swing. I swear she spends most of her days in there. She has just started to notice herself in the mirror above her so its cute to watch her smile at herself.
Saige wanting in the pic..
snuggling this morning..
pretending to be asleep..
Lillies famous face. She always makes that "O" face.
another close up..
playing in the tummy time toy my friend Jess got her. At first she was ok with it.
two minutes later... not so much..


Erika Reyna and Kids said...

Awww Leah! She's adorable. She actually looks a lot like both of you.
So cute!
We have to get together soon. I live right in Provo!

Dj,Megs & 5 Beautiful kids said...

She has changed so much but defiantly looks like you for sure. Love the picture of both of them in the bath very cute. I hope that he finds another job so you can see more of him, I know how it is not being able to see your hubby it sucks, but I guess that's what we get when they go to school. Hopefully soon we will be done :)

carolee said...

Funny how those terrible twos sneak out when baby arrives! I remember thinking the very same thing during the first few weeks with Dylan. What cute, cute girls you have!

Braiden & Sharon Willey said...

Your girls are so gorgeous!

Chris and Brindy said...

Fun to see pictures of your beauties. Little Lillie looks so healthy and happy! And Saige is beautiful like always! Love em.

Jenny Stoker said...

CUTE! I remember the terrible twos!! I HATE THEM! She will grow out of it. Cute babies.