Sunday, February 15, 2009

Pony Beating

And finally! Here is the pony one. Its long so you don't have to watch the whole thing. I tried clipping it but when I did that It wouldn't let me post it. In this video, Is the very first sign of saige hitting the terrible 2s. She was mad that the pony kept slidding on the ground. Then, when we moved it onto the carpet the batteries were dead so she was upset it wouldn't sing. Hense her beating up the pony. It was really funny because we haven't ever seen this side of Saige. Oh boy, we sure can't wait to see how much funner things get.


Anonymous said...

haha that was too funny! Why did she start doing that? Whats funny is Kayden has the same pony and she kisses it while Saige beats hers. haha

Anonymous said...

Haha that video is awesome! Saige has a little attitude when it comes to that pony!

Candi said...

Oh the wonderful world of toddlers! My kids get the same way at times. *sigh*

Nickessa said...

How funny. I got a good laugh in for tonight.

Jenny said...

That's SO FUNNY!! That gave me a GREAT laugh for the day-Thanks!! It's so dang hard not to laugh at them when they do that!!