Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Our blob!

Meet baby #2. haha yup thats our little one the little blob in the pic. It was so cool our visit. The lady that did our ultrasound was still in school so she was really nice and explained everything to us. Then the real guy came in and really explained things. we saw the heart beating and we even saw our baby move! Its so exciting meeting our little guy or gal for the first time. It makes things seem more real.

Those little lines are our babies arms and legs. Ah! I can't believe it!


the meyersons said...

Hurray!! Congrats on the cute tiny blob with arms!

Candi said...

wow. so exciting! It makes me want to have another one ;o) so how far along are they thinking you are?

Nickessa said...

yay for babies!

Dj,Megs & 5 Beautiful kids said...

Hi Blob! j/k
I'm excited for you guys! ALso I am getting ready to try out a new method of potty training, I haven't tried anything in along time. I was bummed we didn't get to see you, but it was way crazy. I was excited to get Trey in a big boy bed. He loves it! And I needed the crib for Pace so it worked out to change him over when we moved. When we get a house I am going to get him a twin bed so that Pace can have the toddler bed. I am sad that they are growing up, but excited about how much I can communicate with Trey now. Well Sometimes! :) Is Saige talking alot? I can't believe how much Trey learns everyday, and now my baby is almost walking. I cant believe it. Trey is going to be 2 on the 3rd. That makes me feel old to have a 2 year old. If you ever need any advice about anything just ask. I can try my best to answer.

Arielle said...

Woohoo!! I hope it's a boy.

carolee said...

Yay!! I hope you're still feeling okay. I seriously love ultrasounds purely for the fact that they make all the sickies and feeling yucky feel like there's really a little person in there!

carolee said...

Oh, I forgot to ask you this. What was the name of that potty training book you had mentioned?

Anonymous said...

I cant wait to meet that beautiful blob!