Friday, November 5, 2010

Beijing and Shanghai Pitures

Yes! We're still alive! Back to China.. These pictures are from Beijing. Our hotel was right down the road from this little cafe that served American food. We're talking pancakes, eggs, cheeseburgers, lasagna, french fries and orange juice! Oh, it was heaven! It was my favorite place to eat. The people were awesome, they had free Internet and if you eat there 3 times then you get to sign there wall. So we ate there like 4 times and got to sign the wall.
Here I am signing the wall for everyone.
Checking my stuff online
Here is the forbidden city which was way cool but totally packed. It was really hot (like always) so Wom, me and Sadie skipped threw it and went to our nice air condition hotel. Megan, Drew, Dad and Logan stayed and  toured the entire place.
Here we are on a train thingy that takes you from the airport to another stop that you can get on the train or where ever. It went super fast. I'm regretting not posting about our trip sooner cause I can't remember half the names of things.
Here is how fast it got!
This is a view of the forbidden city from a park we went to. I loved Beijing! I would seriously live there no problem!
The fam
Here is at the one airport. Pretty nice eh?
Wohoo!! McDonald's!!
This is in Shanghai. After a long day we were pretty whipped out!

This was in Shanghai. When it rains it pours literally! It was so crazy! You should have seen the amounts of umbrellas on the street. You couldn't even see the street!
In Shanghai we went on a night cruise to check out the lights of the city. This was walking in the city along the port waiting to go on the boat. Oh it was so pretty.
More pics of the nightlife of Shanghai

The city lights. Something we'll never forget!

Along the opposite side

This pic was from the worlds fair we hit up in Shanghai. I was a little skeptical of it and didn't really want to go but I am so glad I did. It was awesome!!! The buildings were so fun to see. Of course this was the highlight of Drew's trip. This and one other place I will show in a sec.
The China pavilion
Inside it

Wow are these pics out of order. This is us at the one show we went to. It was awesome! It was an acrobatics show where the china people stuffed a million people in a tub, rode motor bikes and crashed (not on purpose) and lots more crazy things. Needless to say IT WAS AWESOME!!!
This was outside the USA pavilion
These next few pics are some of the other pavilions we saw. I can't remember which are which but take a gander. They were flippin sweet.

Yes, these were the lines.
But as you can see we still had a blast!

This was in Shanghai at a park we went to. Again I can't remember the name but it had some sweet hikes and  great views of the city

The stairs going up

One view from the top.

Another view

So these pics are from the top of that space needle like thing in the pics at night. It had an observation with glass all around included the floors. So sketchy!
This is still in that park that we hiked in. This was a cave thing we walked threw. If you look at what we're wearing/ holding it was a pretty usual day to see us packing our fans. Its crazy hot/humid there. I liked it though. You felt so fresh like you were sweating all the yucky stuff out of  your body.
This was at the top of the needle thing
back to the park we hiked. Sorry these are so out of order. I just wanna post something so i figure this is better then nothing.

fun pic at the top 

Here's what we were in.
This was another awesome cafe we found but this time in Shanghai! There food was better then the one in Beijing but we didn't find this until like the day before we left. It had awesome food like pasta and sandwiches. The atmosphere was pimp here!
ooops! Back to the worlds fair. Waiting in line.
we were pooped. the men went to check out this building that had all these models of the city in it while us girls went shopping. here we're waiting for them to get out.
back to Beijing. Waiting to leave for Shanghai.
This is the night train we took from Beijing to Shanghai. It was so fun!

I think this was at the tomb that we went to. Great I can't remember. Still a fun pic!
This is the inside of the forbidden city. Forbidden city was only for the emperor and his people. No common people could entire hence, the forbidden city.

close ups of the cool pillars that you see everywhere
oh boy!!! Here it is! By far my very very VERY Favorite thing that we did!!!! The Great Wall of China! Holy cow was it awesome or what! The feeling you get there is just awesome. What the people went threw to build this just amazes me. Its almost like you can feel them there. Here we all are at the beginning. ps yes we did drink all that water!

on our way up. Breathtaking! I serious want to go back! I told ya Beijing was the best!

some more views

Drew had a thing with taking pics of things by himself. It started to really bug me. Whats he planning on leaving me and wants pics without me in them?? ;)

ok this was kinda like their church. They all went and lite incense and worshipped the different statues.

This was before we went into this city thing where they worshipped. can't recall the name. Some help here family. ;)
the Olympic nest.
on a carriage ride thingy touring old Beijing

those tube like things sticking out on top of the door showed how much money the family had.
gotta see pandas!
The sign at the opera house.
The opera house. It was amazing!
this was in Beijing. It was a city center thing with all sorts of shopping

This was Drew's other highlight! The CCTV building in Beijing. He had learned about it in school so was totally stoked about seeing it. It was pretty sweet!

So to end my china posts I'm going to write the list that wom made up of the things that happened that we never wanted to forget about China... 

 guys hand scraping paint off curbs with putty knives
three wheeled cars and trucks
old Toyota Corolla police car
car driving down sidewalk
old man getting hit
baby 'no diapers' - baby pooping in the planter of a tree.
brooms and mops
'frogger' intersections- the driving was crazy! you seriously felt like you were living the frogger game
nice 'overpass' intersections
bathroom @ train station (woah)- it was by far the nastiest thing i've ever seen. Not to mention watching everyone doing there duty since there is no doors on the 'stalls' and they are peeing in a hole in the ground.
Guillin river cruise 'manual'
Train Rita/guys swimming in dirty underwear
'Rubbish' can- their way of marking things in English
watch your 'treasures'- another sign
work out machines on street- they were everywhere!
NICE pizza hut - smiley 'clicky' waitress, winning, no tip
yah, yah, yah- how they always answered, really spoke to us actually
sign - the grass is smiling - detour off the grass
Beijing day of mourning for flood/mud slide victims - praying and burning handfuls of incense
Felame (sign on one women's bathroom) Lame (men's)
Alley Cafe - name on wall- Awesome!
Shanghai tower - boy intrigued with Meg and wom's eyes -the little boy that was looking up woms skirt
Paparazzi - the Wall, Shanghai tower, everywhere- they sure do love Americans! 
fruits in trees in fields - individually wrapped
randomly running into dad on the same train to the theater. Dad had gone back to the hotel like 45 minutes before we were to leave for the show.  When we got on the train we heard "going somewhere" and looked up and dad was there. We randomly ended up on the same train in the same cart as him. Craziness!
Alex - our tour guide
practicing 'excuse me'
old man looking in window - Alex, "oh, that's so cute"!
Linda (Mongolian) - another tour guide
"See the giant Pander"! 
So there is Beijing and Shanghai in a glimpse. I want to get caught up so look forward to my next post. Which I hope is tomorrow!


The Jaynes Family said...

Finally! :) Looks like you guys had some fun! Love all the pictures!

Jenny Stoker said...

No fair! I want to go to another country! Let's go to Europe!!