Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I am so thankful that I got these pictures of my grandad and the girls. I am so glad he got to meet Lillie. My grandaddy passed away January 4 of a heartattack. We never thought the day would come. Seriously, we thought he'd out live us all. I am so glad we were able to be back East when this happened so that we could attend his funeral. I still can't believe he is gone. It sad because they are selling his house so one day we won't have it there any more. It was our first home. The home Saige was raised in. The first home for drew and I. I keep thinking we are going to go back and he'll be there with his little toothless smile. We are at peace knowing he is up there with my grammy. He loved nothing more than her. We know he is enjoying the use of his legs. I bet he's dancing and running like mad. We will miss you grandad.